
Veterinary Care at Your Home

What are Pet Vaccinations?

Pet vaccinations protect your dog, cat, or exotic companion from highly contagious and potentially fatal diseases. Like human vaccines, they expose the body to weakened or modified versions of disease-causing agents to trigger long-lasting immunity. Core vaccines are vital for every pet based on risk factors.

What to Expect During Pet Vaccinations

During your visit, a vet or tech will give injectable or nasal drop vaccines based on your pet’s age, health status, lifestyle risk, and vaccination history. We log the vaccines, batch, and expiration in your pet’s medical record. Pets are checked for any possible allergic reactions before discharge. With our reminders, you won’t miss important booster vaccines, as immunity naturally decreases over time. Expect a fast, simple, and positive experience!

How Vaccinations Benefit Your Pet

Vaccines help build immune defenses against catchy diseases like parvovirus, rabies, panleukopenia, calicivirus, Lyme disease, leukemia, and more based on your pet's individual risks. Some diseases are untreatable and quickly fatal if contracted.

Core vaccines protect at both individual and community levels when vaccination rates are maintained. Even indoor pets can be exposed. Staying current on vaccines keeps your pet healthy and reduces serious preventable disease outbreaks.

Vaccinate your pets on time - their health and safety depend on it. Contact us at Vetsasap today to make sure your pet’s immunity is fully protected!

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Frequently Asked Questions

For dogs, the core vaccines include rabies vaccine, which is legally required and protects against the deadly rabies virus that can infect humans and animals; DA2PP vaccine, which protects against a combo of catchy and often fatal diseases - distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, and parvovirus; and Bordetella vaccine, which protects against "kennel cough" - a common cold-like infection. For cats, the essential core vaccines are rabies vaccine again for legal protection; FVRCP vaccine, which protects against three nasty colds - feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia virus; and feline leukemia vaccine for prevention of this sometimes fatal viral infection that is spread through saliva and blood.

Most core vaccines and boosters stimulate at least 3 years, if not longer, of immunity; however, they still require regular booster shots over a pet's lifetime. Generally, after the first round of vaccines during puppy or kittenhood, boosters are given at one year old and then every 1-3 years, depending on the specific vaccine type and your pet's individual needs. Your vet will figure out the best booster schedule for each vaccine to make sure your pet's immunity stays strong.

Vet vaccines go through rigorous safety testing and are super safe and low risk for most pets, with only mild side effects like temporary soreness, mild fever, fatigue, or swelling occasionally reported, mainly after the very first vaccine doses. However, more severe allergic reactions are very rare. Overall, the huge disease protection benefits from vaccination far outweigh the tiny risks for most pets.

Each vaccine and admin fee are priced individually. We offer discounted vaccine packages to encourage complete core protection.

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